In the sample image below, a faint bright line can be seen that extends from the bottom to the top of the image, passing through the light saturated spot.
This bleeding effect is called "smearing" or "blooming", which is an undesired signal that appears as a brighter vertical (from top to bottom) stripe emanating from a bright part of the image. Smearing is a common problem in high light intensity settings.
Smear Explained
With the interline transfer CCDs used by PGR, each pixel consists of a light sensitive area called the photosensor and a light-shielded area called the interline transfer cell (also known as the vertical shift register). The interline transfer is used to shift the charge out of the photosensor and off of the sensor, and is approximately 100,000 times less sensitive than the light sensitive region.
Basically, smear is produced by scattered photons tunneling into the darkened interline transfer cell rather than being collected in the photosensors of the image sensing area. Every pixel in an image goes by the brightest spot in the image; blank pixels are shifted in from the top of the image pixel array so that even a pixel that is "at the bottom" of the array has been by the bright pixel. Therefore, the vertical stripe above a bright spot is generated by shifting the previous image, while the smear stripe below is produced during the shift of the actual image.
Effect of Integration Time and Lens Aperture on Smear
Therefore, smear is often more noticeable when using very short (microsecond) shutter times.
With respect to the factors described above,
- Use a pulsed or flashed light source. A pulsed light of 1/10,000 duration is sufficient in most cases to allow an extremely short 100ns exposure without smear effect.
- Increase light collimation, either by using a lens with variable aperture and stopping it down (close the aperture) or use a lens with a smaller aperture. However, a byproduct of closing the iris will be darker images.
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